Please allow me to speak plainly…..
My job is to put 100% effort into being the best in the perpetuation of property and casualty insurance agencies in Eastern New England. I live here and I work here. My team and I work at this full time, with no other gigs. We find it really pays to only wear one hat!
This means bringing real value to people like you, in the form of determining and explaining the implicit worth of your business, developing a realistic game plan customized around you, and then and only then qualifying buyers who match that game plan to the best of our abilities. This is what works best and we love doing it!
Because of the ebb and flow of life and business cycles, a potential qualified buyer needs to be vetted by us, no matter how large they may appear, to make sure they are able, willing, and ready and have the risk tolerance and drive to perform. Just because an agent may look big, does not mean they are willing to pay big.
Also, having the history of DOING the honorable thing before and after the sale is very important, not just telling you anything to get the deal done.
Protection from the “Veteran”: Some buyers have done 10, 20, or 30+ deals. At this stage in the game, they may think very highly of themselves and do things to your disadvantage. For example, they may pull tricks just before or at the closing table itself. They are the self-absorbed, disrespectful and unempathetic types. The trouble is, you don’t have the chance to sell your agency over and over again in order to figure out who these people really are (and who they are would surprise you very much). Bottom line: Our job is to protect you from these types!
Protection from the “Newbie”: The inexperienced buyers may seem and actually be “nice” and you feel comfortable. However, you are in reality their first or barely their second bicycle ride. Selling your agency is far too important to give an unproven potential buyer a first-time test drive with your business. Need I remind you that this business is your baby? You worked long and hard for it, sacrificed for it. Your P&C insurance agency is a living, breathing entity that has been respected by you over the years. Marrying off your child to the first date would not be good, and that also goes for your life’s work, your agency.
Protection from the “One Offer Only”: One offer means just that — one offer. It does not mean the best offer. It means the buyer realizes clearly that he is the only one, with zero frame of reference or comparison for you. We will qualify and vet a number of potential agents with whom we have a relationship and others, so that you will have a “frame of reference.”
Lastly, working with us, brokers who are local, qualified and good listeners, you will be paid more than if you tried to sell your agency by yourself.
Some buyers do not want us involved and will discourage you from involving us because they want to pay you less! Our job is to deliver all the money with the best terms and the best person. After all, you only sell once!
We are like you in that our job is to protect others from getting in harm’s way. When you are potentially at the most vulnerable point — selling your prized asset, your agency — that’s where we come in!
In closing, we think you can tell by reading this that we will have your best interests in mind. Please let me know if you would like to meet and start the “getting to know each other better” portion of a potentially very beneficial relationship.
We hope you find this information helpful. I also personally hope that it will open the door for us to start a business friendship.
Please give us call to schedule a time to meet. Agency owners who have established relationships with me and my team found it significantly advantageous when it came time for them to sell.
What all the agents listed in the Completed Transactions section will tell you is this: “Michael and his team will meet and exceed your expectations.” We are sure we will be able to do the same for you.
Our service is proven to deliver results to you.